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Pest Control SEO

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As a pest control company, you need to reach an audience as diverse as the pests you tackle. The people in need of your services change daily, if not hourly, making it a challenge to capture the right attention at the right time. Search engine optimization (SEO) connects with the customers who need you most.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the answer to your problem. Running a pest control SEO campaign will give you the opportunity to reach the customers that need your business right now. You will no longer have to rely on finding customers by chance. SEO MAKES IT EASY for customers to find you exactly when they need you.

The Basics of Pest Control SEO

SEO refers to a method of increasing the ranking of your website in the search engine results page (SERPs), which attracts more potential customers to your pest control company website. There are many different strategies you can employ to get your website noticed and rewarded by Google and other search engines, and Nifty Pest has tested them all. These strategies can be broken down into two buckets: on-page SEO and off-page SEO.

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On-Page SEO Strategies

On-page SEO refers to optimizations made to/on the actual pages of your website. Your website is more than just an informational hub for customers–it’s also a signal to Google and other search engines that your business is legitimate and that it should show your site to users searching for pest control companies. our on-page SEO strategies should enhance, not compromise, the user-friendliness of your content. On-page SEO methods that are essential for pest control SEO include:


Each landing page of your website has a unique URL, or web address. These URLs should consist of actual words, taking special care to avoid numbers, scrambled letters, or any other characters–you don’t want your URLs to look like wingding. The simpler, the better. We can help you determine keywords to include.


Each landing page of your website has a unique URL, or web address. These URLs should consist of actual words, taking special care to avoid numbers, scrambled letters, or any other characters–you don’t want your URLs to look like wingding. The simpler, the better. We can help you determine keywords to include.


Content is key, and it has been since the invention of the Internet. The content on your web pages should be reliable, authoritative, and helpful to visitors. Each piece of content should have a purpose—information about your services, promotions, or educational writing about seasonal pests. Content should both engage your audience and drive them to take action. At the same time, SEO should always be a consideration when publishing content. We can help you find the right balance.

Title Tags

Optimizing your title tags is one of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your page rankings in Google and stand out amongst your local competition. Engage browsers with a quirky, boisterous or informational page title, and always include your brand name. In some markets, title tags alone can give a single local pest control company the edge.

There are many on-page SEO strategies that will help your website get found, and they can become overwhelming. The above three are great starting points that will help your pest control company GET NOTICED by more customers online.
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Off-Page SEO Strategies

Unfortunately, the simplicity of on-page SEO just had to be balanced by the more challenging off-page SEO strategies. But we love a challenge! Off-page SEO doesn’t necessarily mean ‘offline,’ but rather ‘invisible’—SEO methods that are largely imperceptible to your website visitors. Off-page SEO is just as important to the Google algorithm and ensures the all-around digital health of your pest control site. Must-have off-page SEO strategies include:

Social Media

We won’t add to the growing buzz in your ears telling you how important social media is, especially for local businesses–we trust you’re well aware! When it comes to SEO, though, social media signals actually do matter. They help build trust. The social media platforms that are most valuable to you will depend on your local market, your customer base, and a variety of other factors, but it’s a good idea to stick with the most popular platforms. You can use your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and even YouTube accounts to promote your business and link to key landing pages on your site, boosting their value.

External Links

External links are links to your website found on sites other than your own. Every external link on a reputable website serves as a vote in favor for the legitimacy of your website and, ultimately, your entire business. The simplest avenue to gain more external links is to claim company listings in official digital directories such as Google Business, Yelp, and local reference books.

Internal Links

Internal linking is just as important to the success of your website as external links. You likely already have internal links across your domain, thanks to your site navigation. Internal links include those built into your website to direct users between pages. These are also discoverable by Google and add value to your site in the eyes of the search engines. It’s important to create a web of internal links so that no page is left “orphaned,” or un-linked. These page are essentially ghosts in the eyes of Google.

When a comprehensive SEO strategy is executed, you will get more visitors to your website that will turn into paying customers.

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Benefits of Pest Control SEO

Pest control SEO has many benefits, including:

Creating more lead generation: When people are looking for pest control companies today, they no longer open a phone book. Instead, they will go online and when you are using proper SEO methods, they will find your website. The customers that land on your site are already qualified leads because they are already searching for a company just like yours.

Reaching people at the right time: Again, there is sometimes a lot of guesswork that goes into pest control marketing. Pest control SEO eliminates sending out blanket advertising and hoping it reaches the right people and instead, captures the attention of people when they are already looking for you.

Increasing visibility online: When using best practices for pest control SEO, you can improve your visibility online. This means you will rank higher in the search engines and be found by more customers.

When using appropriate SEO strategies, your pest control company will reap all of the above benefits and more.

Our Experts in SEO for Pest Control Use
Only the Best Strategies to Get You Found

You are busy running your pest control business, but our pest control SEO experts at Nifty Pest know how to get you found by more customers. Fill out our online form today to schedule an appointment and to learn more about how we can help.

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What kind of link building do you do?

Only the illegal kind. JK, obvi. We build reliability and trust in your domain using “white hat” link building tactics, meaning we engage only safe, search-engine-recommended techniques that are safely considered best practices in the SEO industry. For pest control companies, link building methods might include local sponsorship outreach (think community events, neighborhood recreation leagues), partnership outreach, and lots of local citation and directory management. No need to involve the SEO police here!

When will we see results?

Unlike a frozen pizza, SEO results aren’t hot and ready in under 50 minutes. SEO is a long-term investment in your business’s digital health, and the timing of results depends on factors like market competition and seasonal trends. For example, if your inquiries typically drop in January due to local climate conditions, you might not see the full impact of your SEO efforts during that slow period. Your results will also depend on your company’s specific goals—if you’re aiming to enhance existing rankings, expect improvements in about 6 months; if you’re starting from scratch, it could take around 12 months.
SEO is more like a slow-cooked meal—while it takes time, the results (more conversion, more clients) are worth the wait.

Will I beat out all my competitors for the #1 ranking?

Probably! Data shows that an unfortunately large number of companies still take a “backburner” approach to SEO and don’t dedicate adequate time to it, let alone any resources at all. Fortunately, for YOU, it means that covering the SEO basics alone could be enough to edge out your competition for the top spots. But rankings aren’t the end-all of SEO–what good is a ranking if it doesn’t result in more business? Bragging rights, sure. But we’re seeking a more substantial justification to engage in SEO as part of your marketing strategy–when we provide rankings reports we’ll provide additional data on web traffic, leads (phone calls, inquiries submitted), successful sales transactions, or other KPIs.

We’ve had the same SEO plan in place since we started 10 years ago…should we update our strategy?

Should you floss daily? Absolutely. Regularly evaluating and updating your SEO strategy is essential for a strong, healthy digital presence. But, unlike your dentist, we understand it’s not always easy to keep up. No worries–let us bring your strategy into the 2020s.

Has or will AI replace Google, thereby making SEO irrelevant?

If AI replaces Google, we’ll be too busy riding our flying Teslas to the moon. Until then, we’ll keep using the data-driven SEO tactics we know work to get top rankings, collect customers, and leave the AI doomsayers in the dust.

I’ve got 400 peanuts, will that cover the costs?

Sorry, we only accept gold doubloons. But, really–cost of our SEO services will depend on where you’re at and where you want to go. We like straight-talk, and we’ll always communicate with you directly if we determine that your budget is out of sync with your needs or goals. Just like you, we take a lot of pride in what we do here, and we won’t take your money if we don’t think we can achieve the best results possible for you. Let’s chat!

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Local University

Teaching business owners and the agencies that serve them to thrive online.


Featured on Moz regarding local content strategy and marketing.


Nifty reported around hardcore local search tactics.

Inc 500

Annual rankings of the fastest-growing privately held companies in the United States.


Nifty Marketing has been recognized by Forbes for its expertise in local search marketing.

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Marketing Land

Content contributor that covers online marketing, including social media, analytics, email, mobile marketing, and more.

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