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Bug-busting is serious business! Today’s homeowners take maintenance very seriously, making the pest control and prevention industry cutthroat-competitive. Everyone’s scrambling for an edge in their local market–video content is your digital secret weapon. Even if it’s not so secret, it sure is powerful–if a single image is worth a thousand words, imagine the impact of a 20-second video? Give us a call, and we’ll turn it into reality.

Video Marketing Is the Present and Future:
Why Traditional Marketing Won’t Cut It

Where were you when you first heard the phrase “pivot to video”? Baby’s first pivot to video. This phrase gained traction in the mid-2010s and describes the algorithmic shift towards a preference for video content. Since then, we’ve witnessed an absolute internet takeover by the medium–our collective screen time is up, and videos autoplay every few keystrokes.We’re still listening to music and watching TV, but mostly, we’re glued to our smartphones, laptops, and tablets, consuming endless amounts of video content.

It’s obvious—pest control companies need to embrace video marketing. Not only do customers prefer watching videos over reading long pages of text, but they’re also more likely to spend time on your webpage if it contains video content. Plus, videos evoke more emotions and generate more leads than traditional marketing avenues. Step into the 21st century, the digital era, and let’s get filming!

Video marketing is becoming an integral part of advertising. Customers prefer watching videos more than they do reading long pages of text, especially when they are trying to find a pest control company. Videos tend to invoke more emotions and yield more leads than traditional marketing strategies. You cannot ignore more modern strategies when beginning your marketing journey, and that includes video marketing.

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Video Marketing Statistics

Simply stated, the stats are on our side. Videos reach more people, on average, than other types of content. Some of the most impressive statistics regarding video marketing include:

Organic Rankings

Videos are 50 times more likely to obtain organic page ranks in Google than plain text results.

Organic Rankings

Videos are 50 times more likely to obtain organic page ranks in Google than plain text results.

Search Results

A website is 50 times more likely to show on the first page of the search engine results page if it contains a video.

Click-Through Rate

Videos have a 41 percent higher click-through rate than results that show plain text only.

Time On Page

Visitors will remain on your page longer if it contains a video.

Watch Time

Only 20 percent of visitors will remain on a page to read text in its entirety, while 80 percent of users will remain on a page to watch an entire video.

While videos perform better than text, we aren’t the first ones to crack the code. There are millions of videos online, and tens of thousands that pertain to pest control services. To reap the benefits of video marketing, you’ll need an A+ team to brainstorm, film, and produce content that’s true to your brand.
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Benefits of Video Marketing

A few of the biggest benefits up for grabs when you include quality video content in your marketing strategy:


Videos are easier for visitors to consume


Videos engage visitors more than text


The messaging in videos is clearer


Videos obtain greater organic reach


Videos get more conversions

With so many benefits, it is clear that video marketing for pest control companies works and that it can drive in more customers to your business.

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How Video Marketing Boosts Engagement and Brand Awareness

Scroll through your Facebook feed. Your LinkedIn feed. Notice anything? The most common type of content being shared or reposted is video. Video is by far the most shareable type of digital content, with enormous potential reach. More and more, people are browsing these social apps for goods and services, engaging with videos, comments, and posts before even visiting a company website. Social media has become one of the most powerful tools for brand recognition and customer engagement, and video content dominates social media.

Call Our Pest Control Video Marketing Experts Today

So, your video content has to be brand-true, engaging, and shareable. Anything else? Well, yes. It also needs to be optimized for the web–there are search engine guidelines and accepted best practices for video marketing. Luckily for you, SEO and its related practices are the bread and butter of the Nifty Pest team. We’ll make sure your video strategy includes the right keywords, descriptions, and tags, and that your content complies with digital accessibility standards. The higher your video ranks, the more engagement you’ll receive. Don’t overlook the benefits of video just because it’s new-age or non-traditional, there are customers looking for you out there, and video is the key to reaching them! Ready to establish yourself as the top pest control provider in your area? Fill out our online form to schedule a consultation and to learn more about how we can help you get the videos you need today.

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What kind of marketing videos do you produce and what type of video content makes the most sense for our industry?

We have the means and ability to produce video content of all types–brand and culture videos, product showcases, employee interviews and client testimonials, educational/FAQ videos, case studies, commercials, music videos, and social media content (can’t promise virality, though, and you shouldn’t trust anyone who does!). The video content that makes the most sense for your pest control company is totally dependent on your market and your specific marketing needs. Let’s discuss–we’ll do our due diligence and come back to you with data-driven ideas.

What sets Nifty’s video marketing work apart from the competition?

Price–we offer excellent work for a price well below what our competitors offer. We won’t waste your time with another word–shoot us a message and we’ll prove it to you.

How do we make the most of the video content Nifty Pest produces for us?

The channels your company should be using for video marketing will differ based on your size, budget, and needs. The addition of custom videos to your home page or landing pages will dramatically increase on-page engagement, but you can likely capitalize on the content even further by posting modified clips to your social media channels. If you only have the budget for a single video shoot, we can strategize how to maximize the footage across channels.

How much budget should we put towards video marketing?

Like we said, we offer accessible pricing for our video services–cost will depend on the type and length of the desired content, shooting location (and timeframe), graphics and editing needs, and other specs. Give us a call–we’d be happy to show you examples of our work and discuss cost breakdown in detail.

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Local University

Teaching business owners and the agencies that serve them to thrive online.


Featured on Moz regarding local content strategy and marketing.


Nifty reported around hardcore local search tactics.

Inc 500

Annual rankings of the fastest-growing privately held companies in the United States.


Nifty Marketing has been recognized by Forbes for its expertise in local search marketing.

Marketing Land
Marketing Land

Content contributor that covers online marketing, including social media, analytics, email, mobile marketing, and more.

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